
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Leap Badge No.2

Pssssst! We have a super cool covert mission for you. Yeah, you! Kinda like Chuck’s Angels, but way cooler. It's easy to enter. Snag a Leap badge, and post it on your Blog, MySpace, Facebook, etc. You can even print it out, if it floats your boat. Check our blog every other week for another badge. Go ahead, hoard them all. We dare you. So far, there are two beauties up for grabs.

Email us at with the address of the blog, MySpace, or Facebook page where you loaded our special nifty badges. Why? One word: SWAG. For full contest details go here.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Kitty Keswick Interview

Leap Books author, Kitty Keswick, chatted with Julianne Draper, a Tampa Books Examiner writer, about making the leap to Leap Books, "I’m happy with the switch, and I’m excited about the chance to produce YA titles with an edgier feel.". She also offered background on her debut novel, Freaksville, "I was a theater minor in college, and my experiences inspired a lot of the ghost story parts."

There's lots more to learn about Kitty...check out the full article: A Conversation with Kitty Keswick.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Leap Launch Contest!

So hey, we totally dig that you’re into spreading the word about Leap. It’s because of dedicated YA bloggers and readers like you that we started Leap. Our inbox has been bursting at the seams with requests for ARCs. We’re totally floored that you wuv’s us! We wish we could give every single person an ARC, but sadly we have a limited number of review copies. Our Leap marketing team hasn’t figured out the formula for turning paperclips into gold yet. (Darn marketing team, work faster, sheesh!) But fret not, Leap fans, we’re holding a contest to spread the book homage and give YA reviewers and Leap fans a chance to WIN a few ARCs and/or some snazztastic swag.

Ah, so we have your attention now, eh?

Go to, or get it here on our blog, snag the Leap badge, and post it on your Blog, MySpace, Facebook, etc. Check us out every other week for another badge. Email us at with the address of the blog, MySpace, or Facebook page where you loaded our special nifty badges. See our website contests page for full details, rules and prize information.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Leap Badge Contest

We're getting the rules all tickety-boo, but soon - like maybe tomorrow - we'll be announcing the details of our Leap badge contest. Check back with us to learn how spreading the word about Leap can win you some Leap SWAG.

And Leap swag is good.